Discover the Simple, Powerful Shift
that Will Ignite Your Meditation and
Activate Awakened Consciousness

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PLUS, GET FREE ACCESS to Spiritual Teacher Craig Hamilton’s upcoming Meditation 2.0 SEMINAR where you’ll experience this groundbreaking new approach to meditation firsthand….

When you Unlock the Power of Meditation, you’ll discover how to:

  • Access the miracle of awakened consciousness every time you meditate and allow its energy to infuse every aspect of your life
  • Experience a deep inner freedom from the hypnotic spell of fear and desire, enabling you to meet life’s challenges with courage and grace, beyond reactivity or compulsion
  • Access a mysterious source of wisdom that arises spontaneously in response to the needs of the moment, bringing forth laser-like clarity faster than the speed of thought
Free Ebook
  • Tap into a dynamic and seemingly limitless source of energy, enabling you to do whatever needs to be done in each moment without burning out or becoming drained
  • Activate your innate superlearning ability, enabling you to step into new potentials and abilities with remarkable ease and fluidity
  • Access an inner well of creativity that brings forth a seemingly endless flow of unexpected new ideas, visions and integrative solutions from a place beyond the mind
  • Become a conduit for an overflowing, transpersonal love and care that flows through you into the world from a place beyond your mind’s comprehension
  • Awaken to the true purpose of life so that it becomes an unwavering inner “north star” guiding you on a sacred path of ever greater significance and meaningful contribution
  • Come into such profound alignment with the spiritual axis of the cosmos that every moment of your life is a walk in grace, and a living demonstration of the mysterious, inherent goodness of the life process itself

We know these can sound like amazing claims! However, these are the kinds of real results that tens of thousands of people have been able to achieve as a result of applying Craig Hamilton’s researched-based Direct Awakening approach.

Once you learn how to move beyond the 5 meditation mistakes most spiritual seekers are making, you’ll find that the truly enlightening potential of meditation naturally begins to reveal itself.

Click Above For Your Free Ebook PLUS free access to spiritual
teacher Craig Hamilton’s life-changing seminar: Meditation 2.0
and experience the Miracle of Direct Awakening

Discover the Revolutionary New Approach to Spiritual Practice that is Bringing Enlightenment Within Reach for All of Us

Genuine spiritual awakening has always been the pinnacle of human aspiration.

If you’ve had even a glimpse of this profound spiritual potential, you know that an extraordinary, enlightened life is possible–a life filled with meaning and purpose, in which you have access to a seemingly limitless well of inspiration, wisdom, love and creativity.

Yet for thousands of years, the supreme goal of Enlightenment has been shrouded in mystery, believed to be accessible only indirectly through decades (or even lifetimes) of repetitive and often tedious meditation practice.

Now, in what many are calling the biggest spiritual breakthrough since the discovery of Enlightenment itself, all of that is about to change.

Thanks to the pioneering efforts of spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton and a bold team of consciousness researchers, a radical new approach to spiritual practice is being born, bringing the possibility of authentic spiritual Enlightenment within reach for all of us.

Craig calls it “The Practice of Direct Awakening.” And it is rapidly turning every assumption we’ve had about spiritual practice and Enlightenment on its head.

What if, instead of spending the next 10, 20, or 30 years doing mindfulness practices, watching your breath or repeating mantras in an attempt to prepare for Enlightenment, you could engage in a daily practice that gave you direct access to Enlightened Consciousness right now?

What if, instead of hoping for a lightning bolt of spiritual insight to awaken you sometime in the distant future, you could practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment every single day?

A Breakthrough in Spiritual Practice

Spiritual masters East and West have always told us that the miracle of Enlightened Consciousness already exists, fully formed, inside of each of us–that this luminous awareness is none other than our own true nature.

The radical discovery that is transforming our very understanding of spiritual awakening is that it is possible to tap directly into this infinite energy, intelligence and freedom right now.

All that is required to immediately access this superconscious, unbounded way of being is learning a simple set of daily practices that enable you to step directly into the miracle of awakened consciousness every time you practice.

Once you discover the power of direct awakening, your life may never be the same.

An Invitation to Awaken

Not surprisingly, the results of this breakthrough are already sending ripples throughout the world of contemporary spiritual practice.

In addition to teaching these techniques to thousands of his own students over the past decade, in recent years Craig Hamilton has been invited to teach this revolutionary practice to some of the most celebrated spiritual leaders alive today.

Craig is holding a live global online gathering to share the essence of this powerful, life-changing practice–and the groundbreaking discovery behind it.

In this 90-minute seminar, Craig will share the surprising truth he’s learned in his decades of meditation research–and the unexpected finding that is revolutionizing the way we think about spiritual practice and awakening.

You’ll learn . . .

  • The simple shift in attention that can instantly open the door to awakened awareness
  • The most common obstacles to deep meditation and the one key that enables you to bypass all of them and step directly into the life-changing recognition of your “enlightened nature”
  • Why a “busy mind” is not an obstacle to profound meditation and how to be truly free no matter what your mind is doing
  • How to ensure that meditation is never boring or tedious but always a dynamic unfolding journey into the evernew miracle of Enlightenment
  • Why short periods of meditation can be more enlightening than long, drawn out practice sessions and how to make every moment of meditation a moment of awakening
  • How to bring your awakening off the meditation cushion and into your daily life through the use of “engaged inquiry” practices throughout your day

There is no charge to attend this world premiere event. And if you can’t attend the seminar live, go ahead and reserve your seat anyway and we’ll send you an audio recording of the live event so you can listen at another time.

Simply enter your first name and primary email address in the form below to reserve your seat today.

Reserve your seat now to access this
groundbreaking event!

Friday, October 4th 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern
& Receive Your Free Ebook Now!


“I sense this ongoing meditation flow around me even when I’m not formally meditating and I love that I now have the tools to step into that flow at will.”

D. Alston

“Your meditation is magnificent, relaxing and bringing us to our deepest sacred place. No words can describe what you have brought to me in this meditation.”

N. Israel

“I have had a daily meditation practice for over 30 years but I have never enjoyed the practice so much.”

R. Wood

“I love knowing that I have access to this amazing consciousness in me. I see it like a magical power that is very real. It’s very exciting!!”

V. Smith

“I no longer see awakening as something that may happen to “little me” at some point in the future, and only if I do everything right. It is real and it is now, who I truly am can awaken to itself, in this body, in this lifetime. Awakening is happening, and gratitude is too small a word. I have looked so long and so hard, only to find that it is here, now. I can glimpse it, I can touch it, I can sense it, I can feel it. It is me.”


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